
Well we have made it as far as Burscough the reason we did not turn Right at the Rufford junction is we are having a two days here in Burscough then a few days in our second home Scarisbrick and then we are going to Liverpool for another 6 days it looks like I will be in Liverpool for my Birthday. I apologise to all my Mancunian relatives, though I left there in 1965 at the age of 17 since then lived around this country and around the world, though my accent is still quite pronounced and I expect I still consider myself a Mancunian, However Noreen is a Salfordian and we were married in Salford I also play Guitar in Salford cathedral, I expect in all reality I am some one who is from where he is. I suppose thats why this nomadic life is easy for me in boating circles we say “where ever my boat is thats my home.

From leaving Anderton Last Friday things went quite well and we made good time. Though Just after Preston Brook I had to do an emergency Stop on a boat with no brakes you push it into reverse as hard as you can, and hope, ahead of me I saw what I thought was a dog swimming however on getting closer I noticed it was a small deer a Muntjac they are quite small I have no idea how it got into the canal my problem now was how to get it out, It was to small to get up the side of the steep bank, After 10 mins I had managed to guide it to were the bank gets lower, when it did eventually climb out it was knackered and I wasn't much better so another one of Gods creatures lives to fight another day

Another 5 miles of canal we came across a larger problem as outside the Sale canoe club a time trial race was starting, I was asked to way-off and wait until it had finished , with a gales force wind hitting me from the starboard it became increasingly difficult to hold Buggerlugs steady and avoid going sideways into the canoeists who were waiting their turn to go for a while it was exciting lots of clapping and cheering unfortunately non for me But we did get a huge thank you from the organisers and an offer of a bacon buttie in the club, as we had no time we declined the very generous offer. From there to Dover lock just beyond Leigh was easy sailing except for the heavy rain and very strong winds only for the Fact we where picking Thomas up at 15.00 I would have pulled in for a rest. 08.00 the following morning myself the boat Noreen and Thomas were ready for the trip to Burscough that would entail the Wigan run its only 18 miles 8 locks and 4 swing bridges but for some unknown reason I find it a very harrowing run, of course the reason for Thomas's help is Noreens wrist is still very bruised. However it all went very well even Poolstock locks had plenty of water our only difficulty was finding a mooring. The canal seems to be full of boats all moored up I only saw four boats moving all day but in every available space there was a boat, most causing an obstruction, I am now convinced that people are just buying boats as weekend caravans on water, I would love someone to convince me otherwise. I blame it all on TV boating programs. And CRT not having lines men moving them on and giving out penalty notices,

Read my article on “Boaters and Floaters “

OK thats it for now

Keep smiling stay safe



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