adventures ahead
Hi Everyone
We are still on the River we have booked to go up the lift to the canal on Monday morning we are to wait there until Thurs when Maryanne will collect us to go to the Funeral.
Someone said to me a few days ago that living on a boat must be like having a daily adventure. That astounded me because I had never realised that because thats exactly what it is.
Yesterday having watch our new Neighbours sail off into the sun rise. Was the water and pump aou was behind us in a very fast flowing we either go forward and turn around or reverse looking at how fast the river was flowing I decided to take the less authordox way and reverse I forgot to mention about the bridge between us and the water station made it I should have filmed it. What I am saying that adventure lasted about 90min but an adventure anyway. Yesterday being a thurs we decided to leave our mooring in the Town and move up to the lift quite an uplifting trip as this time I left our mooring did a 360 degree turn in the mouth of the river Dane which is quite narrow but we did it another adventure we have a nice mooring again on a pontoon this time we do not have to climb a wall to exit the boat.
Today was “just a bit of shopping” now this you can do yourself for a little adventure. Go On line decide which shop you want to frequent, type it into Google map or just type in the sort of shop you want ..then pick up your bags and the phone sat nav it then will start your adventure oh I forgot most of this is on foot,, what a spectacular afternoon out all free
I am just about to find a hairdresser for Tomorrows adventure as Noreen requires a hair cut so it will be a bus into the abyss (Northwich) You ladies will know that you go into a hair saloon with the greatest of fear & trepidation imagine what its like to actually have to map read to get. Another day adventure awaits us
I wrote that piece just in case you all thought we just move the boat the doss around before we move it again NO its one adventure after another
God Bless
Stay Safe
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